What are Good Conversation Starters with a Guy

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In today’s evolving dating culture, making the first move has become a norm, breaking away from traditional gender roles. 

Initiating a conversation online, especially for straight women, can be a thrilling experience with potentially rewarding outcomes. Here are some historically effective conversation starters tailored for online dating. 

Making the first move 

Nowadays gender roles and diverse identities are ever changing, so making the first move no longer carries the weight of outdated expectations. 

Taking the initiative can lead to even better-quality dates, offering a sense of empowerment in navigating your dating life. 

Studies even suggest that women who initiate conversations on dating apps experience a response rate of 60%, compared to men at 35%. 

Conversation topics to consider 

When reaching out to a guy online, focusing on common interests is a great way to initiate engaging conversations. Here are some examples of conversation starters with a guy: 

Recreational activities

Show genuine interest by acknowledging their hobbies:

– “I see you like cooking. Any new recipes you’ve tried lately? 

Cultural interest

Explore shared tastes and experiences:

– “Is Justin Bierber your favorite artist? Did you catch his show last month?” 


Connect on a deeper level by discussing ambitions:

– “If you could start over, what would you do differently?”

– “What risk have you recently taken that paid off?” 


Discover their sense of adventure and preferences:

– “How do you like to enjoy your holidays?”

– “What would be your dream holiday destination if you didn’t have to worry about money?” 

Your City

Engage in local discussions:

– “What’s your favorite local takeout place?” 

Questions for a deeper connection 

Using questions in your dating app messages can foster a deeper connection. Opt for open-ended questions to keep the conversation focused on shared interests: 

Personalized questions

Encourage sharing personal experiences:

– “So you’ve recently moved from your hometown? What was that like?”

– “Are you adventurous?” 

More profound questions

Explore values and beliefs:

– “Is there anything that makes your life feel empty if you don’t have it?”

– “What are your thoughts on morality? 

Insightful questions

Stimulate meaningful conversations:

– “Given that we met online, do you think technology plays a major role in our society?” 

Unique  questions

Inject fun and uniqueness into the conversation:

– “Do you think there’s life  in space?”

– “If you could live in an alternate movie world, which one would you choose?” 

Playful questions

Keep it light hearted for a playful interaction:

– “What’s your favorite TV show quotes?”

– ” If the only food you could consume from now on was the last thing you ate, how long do you think you could survive? 

Building genuine connections 

While these conversation starters provide a solid foundation, always adapt them to suit individual preferences. 

Assess each situation and tailor your approach for a fun, engaging, and mutually focused conversation. 

Remember, the goal is to enjoy the process and build a connection that aligns with your relationship goals. Practice and authenticity make for a perfect conversation.

HomeDating adviceDatingWhat are Good Conversation Starters with a Guy

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  • Isabella, 24
    "Hi, will you succumb to my temptation?"
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  • Scarlett, 34
    “Can a simple ‘hello’ turn into something amazing? Let’s see!”
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  • Emma, 25
    "Tomorrow will be a new day, and you will!"
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  • Charlotte, 29
    “Believe in the magic of new beginnings—will you be part of mine?”
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  • Harper, 31
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  • Addison, 26
    “I’m all about good vibes and great chats—care to join me?”
    Addison, 26
  • Isabella, 24
    "Hi, will you succumb to my temptation?"
    Isabella, 24
  • Scarlett, 34
    “Can a simple ‘hello’ turn into something amazing? Let’s see!”
    Scarlett, 34
  • Emma, 25
    "Tomorrow will be a new day, and you will!"
    Emma, 25
  • Charlotte, 29
    “Believe in the magic of new beginnings—will you be part of mine?”
    Charlotte, 29
  • Harper, 31
    “Let’s turn ordinary moments into unforgettable adventures together!”
    Harper, 31
  • James, 50
    "Let’s see where a conversation can take us... ready to dive in?"
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  • James, 48
    "Looking for someone to enjoy the simple things in life with me."
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  • Benjamin, 56
    "Hi there! Ready to find out what life still has in store?"
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  • Henry, 43
    "Life’s a journey; it’s always better with good company."
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  • Daniel, 55
    "Open to new experiences—shall we make some memories?"
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  • Oliver, 30
    "Life’s too short to take too seriously. Ready for an adventure?"
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  • James, 50
    "Let’s see where a conversation can take us... ready to dive in?"
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  • James, 48
    "Looking for someone to enjoy the simple things in life with me."
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  • Benjamin, 56
    "Hi there! Ready to find out what life still has in store?"
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  • Henry, 43
    "Life’s a journey; it’s always better with good company."
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  • Daniel, 55
    "Open to new experiences—shall we make some memories?"
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  • Oliver, 30
    "Life’s too short to take too seriously. Ready for an adventure?"
    Oliver, 30
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