Signs of a Stalker: Discovering and Solving a Problem That Few People Talk About

I may joke about harassing each other on Insta, but in the very process of harassment, it’s not funny or out of the question.

According to the information of the Resource Center on harassment, 15% of women and 6% of men have been harassed during their lifetime, often by a current or former partner.

Even if it is not a partner, most victims know their persecutors in one way or another.

Let’s look at the more familiar characteristics of a stalker, types of stalkers, what to do if you are being stalked, and resources for victims.

What is harassment?

Industrial harassment is a pattern of action aimed at a certain person, which would cause the rational person to fear for his/her safety or the safety of other people, or to experience significant sensory suffering.

Although harassment can be and often is considered one of the most common characteristics of a persecutor, victims of persecution usually do not fear their abusers in any way, unlike victims of harassment.

Common characteristics of a persecutor

Key characteristics of a stalker include:

  • Uninterrupted communication, be it phone calls, electric messages, or texts.
  • Lurking near your neighborhood or place of business
  • Creating situations that force you to interact with him or her
  • Presence of data about you that you have not told them in any way
  • Excessive control or surveillance because of your movements
  • Giving inappropriate or unwanted gifts
  • Unexpected appearance
  • Organize mishaps (release tires, attribute your keys or other things, to then return them to you), so that they have the opportunity to play a hero with themselves
  • Separate you from your loved ones
  • Threaten you or people who, according to them, are “competitors” for your favor.

Stalking on the Internet

The Internet has made our lives more convenient, but it has also made stalking easier.

If some stalkers simply use the Internet to find data about their victims, for example, their addresses or daily routine, in this case, others run in such a way that they start to stalk them in cyberspace.

The properties of a stalker on the Internet include the formation of social network accounts only to stalk the victim, clarification of absolutely all her notifications in social networks, following her in various online communities to which she belongs, sending dangerous, obscene messages or public photos to the victim, or also giving themselves away from the victim in social networks to spoil her reputation.

What are the three types of stalkers?

Although the properties of a stalker are multifunctional, there are different types, including intimate partner, friend, and stranger stalkers.

Intimate partner stalker:

As is necessary from the name, this person is considered to be the victim’s current or former partner.

Someone can believe the victim his property, including after that, as well as exactly how it ceased the relationship, or try to return it.


This type of persecutor is known to the victim – they have all chances to be buddies or these, together with whom the injured party was caught several times.

The adversary is capable of wanting a more serious relationship and also considers stalking as a method of persecuting his victim.

Unfamiliar stalker:

The injured party did not know together with the stalker, even though the adversary can consider that there is some predetermined relationship (so often do fans, stalk celebrities).

Regardless of this, one or another kind of stalker you have, it is better in general to have a safety project, to be careful in statements on the Internet, and also to inform other people that you are being chased, so that they have the opportunity to look after.

How does persecution affect victims?

Unfortunately, stalking is not taken as seriously as it should be, as it is much more dangerous than many people realize.

It can lead to depression and post-traumatic stress disorder, and more than two-thirds of victims of stalking report that they have been physically harmed.

In addition, it has been confirmed that prolonged exposure to high stress can cause an increased risk of heart attacks and strokes.

Harassment can also affect the ability of victims to start relationships, as well as negatively affect their relationships, as one of the properties of the harasser is considered to be his ability to separate his target.

Operations to take if you suspect you are being stalked

In case you are wondering “Is someone stalking me?” or “Is she stalking me?”, it may be time to take a few protective measures.

They have every chance to be invaluable not only for your safety but also in case the problem reaches the police.

Do not get in touch with the stalker

Even though it can be tempting (and also good) to note him, to someone to interrupt, most of the persecutors evaluate each connection equally as an incentive to continue.

Make sure your place is safe

Draw up a safety project for each area where you are always at work or school, for example.

Document, document, document

Keep a record of all correspondence you receive, mark the date and also the period of interaction, as well as deeds and threats.

Inform your friends and relatives that you are being persecuted, so that they know that it is impossible to disclose data about you.

Go to the police

Even if they are not able to do anything, a statement will help to establish the form of behavior.

Are you being stalked? Help is available

If you feel you are in immediate danger, do not hesitate to call 911 (or your country’s emergency number).

For the population of the United States of America, it is also advisable to resort to the National Center for Victims of Crime at 855-4-VICTIM (484-2846) from Monday to Friday from 9 am to 5 pm or call the National Hotline for domestic violence 800-799-SAFE (7233) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to get advice from qualified lawyers.

The previously mentioned SPARC also has resources for victims of stalking of all genders, as does RAINN.

Taking harassment seriously can save your life

It’s easy to dismiss the characteristics of a stalker – as I’m used to thinking only good things about people.

But stalking can cause serious physical as well as emotional damage to the victim, for this reason, it is important to be on the alert, as well as for yourself, as well as for others.

In case you saw the properties of the persecuting person, do not hesitate to leave – this is not the amount that you can afford to lose.

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