3 Doomed Dynamics of Relationships

Even though any couple meets together with the risks involved along with the newest sympathy, there are special conditions that doom the relationship to failure from the very beginning.

In case you are seeing and looking for an optimal partner, perceiving a few basic rules will make the scavenger hunt much easier.

Below are three relationship dynamics, which are destined to end together with the most basics – no matter who exactly no one claims and no matter how hard they try.

1. Finding fun vs. finding a permanent partner

In the absence of hesitation, this kinetics is the most unsuccessful of all. Because of this factor, I will devote more time to it than others.

One of my visitors not so long ago set out to get together with a representative of the stronger sex, that laid or rang her in a whole number of days a week, even though my visitor sought the most intense communication.

Two months passed, and my client felt disappointed and insecure that no one was in any way interested in her because does not activate frequent contacts.

If she touched the problem and did not allow him to get rid of the squeamish decision, someone broke off and said: “Look, through a month we go to work, which will take me to Spain in 6 months.

Why should I pick on somebody at this time? We thought I was just having fun.” If only my visitor had asked him beforehand what someone was looking for, she could have learned the truth and relieved herself of the heartache!

Equally how to avoid such a dynamic: first of all, do not step into the limit of dating, make sure that you understand what you want with dating.

Do you want a unit for unexpected dates and probably get together with some people for a certain period?

Do you want to get together with only one nation and try for a significant, long-term relationship together with an ongoing partner?

In case you intuitively do not understand one or the other of these two scenarios for you is necessary, you do not need to get caught.

Secondly, in the early stages of communication, you should talk about the mission of the relationship.

Instead, to set the interlocutor in a hopeless situation and learn what someone is looking for, first tell him what you want.

Advice, in case you are looking for something serious: “On dating is always similar in originality if your favor in no way represents what is directly looking for another individual.

However, what affects me, in this case, we can note that we are happy to get together with someone casually, but we are looking for one person, together with whom I can be together for a long time.

The committee, in case you are looking for something casual: “In dating is always originality if your favor in no way imagines that directly seeks another individual.

However, what affects me, in this case, in this period we are not looking for something thorough.

In case it happens in the future, in this case, everything will be fine, but we are going to so that all without exception exist freely and easily.

In case someone asks you if you want to get together with other nations at the same time, it is a good problem, so answer frankly.

In case you want to have a chance to get together with other nations, inform them about it, but ask the question: “Is it satisfactory for you? If not, then we are a huge [insert “boy” or “girl”] and I can handle it!”.

2. One individual is very insecure and the other is not

We have been able to feel, as well as the society states, that girls are more insecure in themselves than with representatives of the stronger sex, but we have never once believed this truth.

Even though they often feel confused according to various circumstances, male indecision can be as unsafe for relationships, as well as for ladies.

In the case of a representative of the stronger sex or a girl, together with whom you see, have all chances to be the corresponding key difficulties: economic indecision (not enough money), appearance (too much weight, not handsome enough), mental ability (not smart enough), formation (not educated enough) or rejection/abandonment (feeling that you will be rejected or abandoned).

In case you begin to get together with people who feel different from these insecurities in the last level, the relationship, as well as the principle, will not last for a long time.

Equally how to avoid this dynamic: No matter how sharply or insensitively this does not rattle, leave immediately.

But care in no way means that you are obliged to be unpleasant. Simply call the person or talk with him.

Say: “I do not feel that we are approaching each other, but it was nice to talk with you, and we expect that in the long run, I will be able to see you and say hello.

3. He’s trying to catch the player

Let’s be truthful: certain investors have all the chances to be disastrously tempting. Players are often physically interesting; they know what to say and when to say it; and they constantly provide you with a sense of being seen.

The difficulty with this is that they never once in any way pay attention to you for quite a long time.

Investors prefer to stimulate a connection with their fans, but they do not like it if their fans initiate projects with them.

This is how investors will resort to you from time to time, but only for this, to keep your interest. Investors feed on interest and have no chance to exist in the absence of it.

Accordingly, settling down with one person, will take away that part of the interest they want to acquire from their fans.

How to prevent such a dynamic: If you get the feeling that the person you are looking out for is a participant, be truthful and sincere.

Report: “I like you, but I have a feeling that you are a participant, and I with this is not in any way consistent for yourself. It is possible to be, this is my shortcoming, but I simply do not tolerate more together with you to meet”.


In the final analysis, these three options for the dynamics of a relationship – any of which are condemned to a sad ending – are completely preventable.

The most important thing that you must remember: Do not seek to change the player. No matter how special people you are, no one can change the stripes of the tiger.

HomeDating adviceRelationship issues3 Doomed Dynamics of Relationships

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